Shared Sisterhood
Gender equity is gaining steam—but racial equity is equally important.
Shared Sisterhood
Gender equity is gaining steam—
but racial equity is equally
Shared Sisterhood: How to Take Collective Action for Racial and Gender Equity at Work
Gender equity can’t happen without racial equity. We need Shared Sisterhood.
Bias persists in organizations and society. Despite efforts that have been made in the last few decades, gender and racioethnic equity still hasn’t been achieved. What’s worse, Black, Indigenous, Asian, and Latina women are being held back more than their White counterparts.
We need to change how we strive for equity. We must move beyond individual solutions toward collective action, where people from historically power-dominant and marginalized groups work together, so that all women experience the benefits of professional growth and equity. We need Shared Sisterhood, and anyone, regardless of gender, can join in.
Professor Tina Opie first started Shared Sisterhood as a movement to drive gender and racial equity in organizations. Since then, she and professor Beth A. Livingston have worked together to spread the word to leaders across organizations, with thousands of followers joining the cause. In this book, they explain how to use vulnerability, trust, empathy, and risk-taking to build Shared Sisterhood and break down three key parts of the process:
- Dig into your own assumptions around racioethnicity, gender, and power
- Bridge the divide between women of all backgrounds through authentic relationships
- Advance all women across the organization and beyond
Balancing a mix of history, research, and real-life examples—including the authors’ own experiences—this book encourages everyone to join Shared Sisterhood and advance equity for all.

Dr. Tina Opie is a culture crafter and her Shared Sisterhood framework has been adopted by thousands of changemakers. For groups of 5,000 to 50, talent to C-Suite, her insights on culture, strategy, leadership, allyship and more are unmatched. Author, thinker, speaker, she helps us all connect and stay connected. Be prepared, Dr. Tina shares her informed, yet unvarnished, advice for how your company can finally, FINALLY address those culture and leadership boogeymen that make your stomach drop every time DEI comes up. Plus, you will leave with actionable steps to improve your workplace environment.

About Beth A. Livingston
Dr. Beth A. Livingston is a professor, consultant, author, and speaker focused on human resources, gender & diversity, and the management of work & family–all in the service of the employee experience. Whether talking about DEI, remote work, or employee well-being, Beth enjoys bringing her enthusiasm and expertise to non-profit and corporate clients in the form of executive education, speaking engagements, and consulting. She is a faculty member at the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business, landing in the midwest after receiving her MBA from the University of Kentucky, her Ph.D. from the University of Florida, and spending a number of years at Cornell University. Her research has been highlighted in outlets such as the New York Times, NPR, and the Harvard Business Review, and she has been published in multiple top academic journals

Dr. Tina Opie is a culture crafter and her Shared Sisterhood framework has been adopted by thousands of changemakers. For groups of 5,000 to 50, talent to C-Suite, her insights on culture, strategy, leadership, allyship and more are unmatched. Author, thinker, speaker, she helps us all connect and stay connected. Be prepared, Dr. Tina shares her informed, yet unvarnished, advice for how your company can finally, FINALLY address those culture and leadership boogeymen that make your stomach drop every time DEI comes up. Plus, you will leave with actionable steps to improve your workplace environment.

About Beth A. Livingston
Dr. Beth A. Livingston is a professor, consultant, author, and speaker focused on human resources, gender & diversity, and the management of work & family–all in the service of the employee experience. Whether talking about DEI, remote work, or employee well-being, Beth enjoys bringing her enthusiasm and expertise to non-profit and corporate clients in the form of executive education, speaking engagements, and consulting. She is a faculty member at the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business, landing in the midwest after receiving her MBA from the University of Kentucky, her Ph.D. from the University of Florida, and spending a number of years at Cornell University. Her research has been highlighted in outlets such as the New York Times, NPR, and the Harvard Business Review, and she has been published in multiple top academic journals

Vanessa Bohns
"This book is special. It is able to convey the complexity of bias and what it takes to create an equitable organization while still being immensely readable and hopeful. I don’t know any book like it that is so intersectional and multidimensional in its analysis while also being intimate, personal, and practical. Truly a must read for everyone."

Adam Benforado
"SHARED SISTERHOOD is a powerful and necessary book that offers a new path to equity. We need to stop thinking about gender equity and racial equity as separate goals. We need to stop focusing our attention on treating individual character flaws and start thinking about collective action. Tina Opie and Beth Livingston offer a sharp indictment of the status quo, this is not a “downer” of a read; it is an inspiring book that encourages all of us to rethink our assumptions and take action! "

Dolly Chugh
"There are many books coming out these days about how to address race or gender divides. There are fewer that focus on both. And even fewer written by a mixed race team of authors putting their recommendations to work real time. Powerful. Hopeful. Action-oriented. A fantastic guidebook."